Alison's super quick & tasty pancake recipe

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It’s that time of year again when we don our aprons, squeeze some lemons & beat some batter. Our Sales Director Alison has a foolproof recipe to make pancake day easy and delicious!


What you need:

125g Plain Flour, 2 beaten eggs, 200ml Milk, Pinch of salt (optional), Oil for cooking


What to do:

  1. Place flour and salt in bowl.
  2. Add eggs.
  3. Using an electric whisk, mix the eggs with the flour.
  4. Add the milk gradually, continuing to mix, until the batter is smooth.
  5. Heat a little oil and cook each pancake for approximately 60-90 seconds, until the underneath has started to turn golden.
  6. Flip pancake over and cook second side for about 60 seconds.

 pancakes blog



What to put on top (some of the CPrint team's favourites):

Lemon juice & sugar

Maple syrup & chopped pecans

Chocolate sauce, cream & flaked almonds

Greek yoghurt & blueberries

Banana & honey

Mango, passion fruit & Greek yoghurt

Cinnamon & poached apple

Chocolate ice cream & banana

Mascarpone, cherries, ginger & poached pear


Happy Pancake Day!





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